We share all our published plasmids through Addgene.
Mouse lines
We share all our published mouse lines by request or through public repositories.
Key mouse models

- Rosa26-CAG-H2B-miRFP703: This near infrared (NIR) nuclear reporter mouse model allows deep tissue fluorescent imaging in live mouse embryos (Gu B. et al. Nature Biotechnology 2018, McDole K. et al. Cell 2018 and Zhu M. et al. PNAS 2020). The mouse line is shared through Jackson Laboratory (

- Yap-emiRFP670: This is the first knock-in reporter mouse model for live imaging the dynamic Yap signaling in vivo (Gu B. et al. Open Biology 2022). Request by contacting Bin Gu (

- Rosa26-CAG-LSL-TIR1 and Rosa26-CAG-TIR1: Mouse models for conditional and constitutive expression of the plant ubiquitin ligase TIR1 for auxin inducible degradation. (McDonald et al. eLife 2022). Request by contacting Bin Gu (