1. Macdonald, L.; Taylor, G. C.; Brisbane, J. M.; Christodoulou, E.; Scott, L.; von Kriegsheim, A.; Rossant, J.; Gu, B.; Wood, A. J., Rapid and specific degradation of endogenous proteins in mouse models using auxin-inducible degrons. Elife 2022, 11.
This paper describes the proof of concept study demonstrating using the Auxin Inducible Degradation system for manipulating endogenous proteins in live mice.
2. Gu, B.; Bradshaw, B.; Zhu, M.; Sun, Y.; Hopyan, S.; Rossant, J., Live imaging YAP signalling in mouse embryo development. Open Biology 2022, 12 (1), 210335.
This paper describes the first knock-in reporter model for imaging dynamic Yap signaling in mice.
1. Gu, B.; Posfai, E.; Rossant, J., Efficient generation of targeted large insertions by microinjection into two-cell-stage mouse embryos. Nat Biotechnol 2018, 36 (7), 632-637.
This paper describes the 2C-HR-CRISPR technology for efficiently generating large fragment knock-in mouse models.
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